Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions? Find the answer below or contact us on

If the app is incorrectly transcribing your recorded message, try the following steps:

Use full sentences: Speaking in complete sentences can help the app better recognize and correctly transcribe your language.

Ensure proper pronunciation: Clear and accurate pronunciation improves the app's ability to understand and transcribe your speech correctly.

If the countdown has ended after uploading a drawing of the children and you still don't see an image, try the following:

Delete your cookies: Clearing your browser's cookies can sometimes resolve display issues. After deleting cookies, try reloading the page.

No credits: AI Juniors is a free tool to ensure all children can experience AI. However photo generators are not free. To offer this service for free we work with donations. Visit our donation page and consider a donation, so we can buy new credits.

Contact us: If you continue to experience problems after clearing cookies, please reach out to us for further assistance. We're here to help!

At AI Juniors, we provide this service for free because we believe in offering students a safe and controlled environment to learn about AI. Currently, we're a small initiative, and we cover the subscription costs ourselves. If you'd like to support our mission, you can visit the 'donate' page and make a contribution. Every donation helps us continue providing this service for free.